Friday, August 30, 2013

Aug FY2013

Four month left for 2013 , time to have a review for this year . FY2013 , learned a lot , got more job satisfaction , more stable financial status , got a companion . Now , I think I should go to second stage , to defense what I have , and to grab more I wish .

Stand still and think , notice that lot of loss and gain , I had owned what I wish previously , portray my life had pass a milestone , working hard towards next target . keep growing !! 

Fight for our life , I never afraid of try thing that I have faith on it , never hesitate or delay to tackle it . Lots of my plan been turned down , but once I got one , I will strike back my unfortunate . 

Another chapter of my life started , good luck to me , good luck to all . 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Raya updates

Raya liao ..... 终于休息了.工作上的忙碌,让我忽略了许多事故.暂忘了许多人.


还是一样,必须自我增值.把一切尽最大的能耐做好,为了过活,是打从决定不再升学时发现的人生哲学. 现在生活不一样了,决定了某些东西,改变一生的东西.我会做好的! 努力吧,每个人总该为自己努力的,大家共勉之,设立目标,就毫不犹豫的前进.

惜时惜人,做人谨记要对的人住拜得神 .