Friday, August 24, 2012

feeling sick

I'm feeling sick ! Sick of myself . Felt so dull recently . I need satisfaction ! Dont let me feel that I'm loosing please.

Struggle very hard , like a drowning men hope to grab something . I wanna grab everything ! Yes , I'm greed , greed , wish to swallow the world. Where am I ? The one lost in the haste , at some where very deep in my heart .Where am I ?

Am I not aggressive enough ? I wonder , maybe ... sometimes . Yes , I admit . My life is dull, I know myself very well , I know what I want , it's just I cant get . Am I not qualified ? or , it's not belongs to me ? I know what am I doing , yes I'm not feeling good. and , yes , feeling like a dumbo . I met it twice I lost it twice , does it considered lost ? cause I'm not even get a chance to hold it . what a waste , what a mess .

Anyway , lets roll the tape .Life should keep going. Silent my mind please. Shuffle to the next stop.

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