Tuesday, December 21, 2010

crazy holiday

哈哈,从考完最后那一张 chemistry 后,好像都没有停过,就是!!!

16/12 ,下午shopping后再去pasar malam然后到朋友家玩到半夜两点多。

17/12 ,一大早就起身,吃早餐后剪头发就搞到中午!(因为要等另一位朋友),下午有convo , 晚上又出到半夜回。XD


19/12,哈哈,去PD 咯!出到外面玩,打死都不睡啦!XD ,不过三点多还是要乖乖睡了=p

20/12, 直铲下Melaka…… 哈哈终于在傍晚8点酱到家过后就难敌睡意睡觉了 T.T .

PD 和Melaka的行程……去我的FB看照片啦哈哈,懒惰post XD. 今天只是想讲讲我的“壮举”,如何做到睡少少,玩多多。哈哈很简单,就是拼了命酱玩不要睡咯XD。


其实我很想早点plan好然后找人出街的,碍于我在等一些人last minute的通知,弄到我都不敢早些预约人家。T.T
所以,朋友们,当我很突然的找你们,请别怪我事先没跟你们说定(虽然都没人怪我XD)……T.T ,因为我自己本身都不懂我那天得空 T.T 。

哈哈,就酱讲啦,又要找人出去了XD , 至少都陪我吃个午餐 XD

Saturday, December 18, 2010


yerr , 那种感觉 ,回来了。

erm , 终于考完试了……其实也没什么不一样,只是少了点罪恶感,可以名正言顺的不用读书了。 yeahhhh , yesh !!!! 中学生涯总算到了终点。^^


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

just feel like to tell something =p

OMG !!! My STPM mood had gone , 3 paper left ... =.= , help !!!!!!!!!

Actually I dint expect much also , so just let my faith decide it lah , I think it will lead me to the correct way XD . Hmmp , i do wish to have some shortcuts in my life , to success ... haha .
How can I describe my situation ? is my dream just a dream ? 0o , work harder to make it come true !!!!!!

WAITING IS TORTURING !!!!!! something keep poke my eye ... something just keep pop out in my mind ... something just taring my ear off ... the moment while waiting to fall as sleep is sweet sometime , but its horrible sometime . Can I skip this phase of my life ? this phase is way too long , haha but no pain no gain , its true . well , just be patient . actually life had getting better . ^^

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Its been awhile , com spoiled at nice timing and it fixed at this perfect timing as well hahahahahaha ......

First , i should say "welcome home" to my com haha , those day without you ,i'm nearly explore ! Ahak , its my time , hehe just to release my stress . STPM left a week to go , still doing last minute work ... anyway , hope my results wont be so ugly .

Can I shout ? "Of course you can" ... haha NO , not until I found a place that only left me alone .

constraining my feeling ... its not that easy ! something just cant tell out , what I looking after to is still the same , I still with my bare hand ... errrrr ... waaaawaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... I'm stuck mannnnn !!!! somebody help me !!!! LOL only I can help my own-self ... after this turning point , i will be revive haha , lets wait and see ~~

haha , should cut it off right now ... it's making me more moody .... k , ciaoz .....